About Me


I grew up in a small town in the Midwest, and yes, I’m still here.  I’m a small town girl with a big imagination!

I have a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and use this skill set working in Human Resources for a prestigious financial institution. Juggling between family, work, and writing, I stay very busy; never a dull moment. Writing has always been a passion and talent of mine. My mother was also a writer, but of poetry. I have written my fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at my heart-strings. I have written two novels, Raven’s Innocence and Raven’s Undoing, which are part of my Snowhaven Series.  I’m currently writing volume 3 of this set of Romantic Thrillers…

As you can see to the right of this page there are different Categories in which my writing falls.
Organized Chaos ~ is where I have written something that really is just random and not related to my other Categories.
Supporting Others ~ is just that. Blog Posts from others that I have Re-blogged.
Raven’s Innocence ~ has everything to do with my book, Raven’s Innocence.
Raven’s Undoing ~ has everything to do with Raven’s Undoing.
Whispers from the Soul ~ Is mostly poetry, through which my soul speaks. (please see disclaimer)

~My Poetry Disclaimer~
I am a writer. I have a very active and vivid imagination. My poetry is not always a reflection of my personal life. When the inspiration hits me, I have to purge what I am thinking or what I am feeling onto paper. A song on the radio, a person that passes by me, a conversation taking place, something I am reading, a work of art I can’t take my eyes off; all of these can spark an idea that needs to be written. Some of my poetry is very dark and some is full of love and grace. Each one written does have a meaning; has a whole story behind it. But not each poem is my story to tell…

Email Me! Seriously – Ask me anything, or drop in just to say Hello! NDWhite_Author@zoho.com
Visit my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ndwhiteauthor
Find me on Twitter: @nickyd_white

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